Satan and a Dinner Party
This Tuesday marked another gathering of people learning about stuff, fixing gizmos, and making chotchkies.
Calvin, a new attendee at produce night and web programmer at JPL by day, worked on a design for his Munny Doll. Hopefully next time we can see the design executed!
Ryan heroically migrated a legacy content management system to a post 9-11 version of Apache. You Sir, are a hero.
In an exercise of lowering standards while build an enclosure for his bike traffic sensing circuit, Michael came up with a new design.

Dinner was Japanese, featuring okonomiyaki, which is often described as a savory vegetable pancake. Really though, it’s more of a hash, or even, a ball of delicious vegetable garbage. Ingredients included but were not limited to cabbage, carrots, taro, shitake, enokitake, lots of alliums - really, whatever is at hand. This is held together with several eggs and a bit of flour. It’s fried and topped with some tasty condiments. Also there was some chilled cucumber sesame salad, miso soup, and a sashimi platter. At the end there appeared a really glorious chocolate pastry. It was heard described as a brownie inside a croissant and equally as super dank. We ate it all.

Apart from the Satanic pancake art, Colin and Fernando kind of just hung around and smoked pipes all night. What the heck guys? Next time Colin is going to bring a recently acquired espresso machine, in need of a rebuild.
Laura unboxed and started tinkering with her Intel® Edison - Arduino. Apparently she earned it while participating in a hackathon at JPL (started by world renowned Satanist, Jack Parsons). Word on the street is she mentioned our little hack night to some Intel representative, who seems intrigued. A torrent of unholy sponsorship cash should start flowing any minute! Hail $atan®!

See you next time!