Mapping, Arduinos, and Inside Bikes
Another night of producing!
Jon worked on importing Los Angeles County parcel and building data into Open Street Maps. For those of you not into the obscure politics of OSM, a bunch of data was lost, particularly around Los Angeles, when some existing contributors did not agree to the new licensing terms adopted by the project a couple years back. This has left Los Angeles looking a bit… sparse. As well as restoring building outlines, the imported data will have lots of rich data attributes like when the building was constructed.

Michael continued with his traffic sensor. Thanks to Theodore from Tomorrow Lab for republishing the parts list and original source code. I updated the code to work with modern Arduinos and published it on github.
This was especially cool because it was running on an Arduino that Colin assembled. I’m impressed, but not surprised that he’s such a neat solderer.
Fernando showed off his progress with his Jonny-5(node JS)/Arduino/Raspberry-Pi/Wireless/React-Native/iOS light switch. It is truly a thing to behold.
Doug spent the night studying up on the latest and greatest features of a javascript from the future.